BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

Seeing as I was pretty much ignored as evil D1, no kidding.

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Like I am sorry for lying about being the philobut you know kinda my ability

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Lemme think about that one.

I’m tinfoiling a YBW/Marluna/Jarek world, so you maybe could’ve been poisoned last night, but yeah.

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what if squirrel is mad about being the mutant right now lol

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That would make sense in my head

I’m willing to bet

That or squirrel is just the fang gu that had a jump to someone else, which works with prisma’s clockmaker 1 and also explains the lack of a D2 pit hagging

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trying to proof by contradiction some things real quick

if squirrel is the fang gu that jumped he would have reason to lie to implicate jarek

would like confirmation on whether pit hag fails or not if selecting a character that is in play and whether that player is informed of it @Amelia @Host_Account_2

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Doesn’t explain the oracle 0 though

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In normal BOTC If you fail to pit hag someone nothing happens. They only get informed if they were successfully transformed. You can’t turn people into in-play characters


Marluna asked if I trusted YBW D1 before claiming Seamstress with a positive on YBW and Eliza. That’s sticking out to me.

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And when they get informed all they get told is “you are now X change your token”


I was just told my character changed, yeah.

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Anyway oracle 0 is really interesting and might saving Squirrel might implicate Eliza

the mutant claim is an interesting one, especially given I was a public mutant claim? Hmm

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That actually makes me think Eliza,YBW and Marluna isn’t the entire evil team. As evil bluffing seamstress, it isn’t a good idea to tie both your fellow evils together.

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so given that jarek’s doubling down on his mutant claim, which is demonstrably anti-town

then it’s probably not a fang gu game

and either jarek or one of the people he whispered or one of the people they whispered is cere
and everyone in that chain is evil

which puts our cere pool at jarek, magnus, ybw, mist, eliza, or crich, based on d1 whispers

I’ll work on figuring out possible chains once I finish catching up


Clockmaker 1 supports the YBW/Marluna world and could explain Eliza and I receiving false info.

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You never mentioend this? Thats sus af

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ok tbf who can fault someone for not reading thread