BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

/Join nuto’s cult

oh right if nobody new claims twin then we just
all join both cults and win for free lol

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I can guarantee 100% that joining my cult will win us the game.

/join Atlas’s cult <3



If the game does not end, my puzzle guess was wrong anyway.

im the only one claiming a twin
jakes being a clown, at the moment

@crazynuto would like to start a cult.

@Atlas would like to start a cult.

Tell the world what your respective cults have to offer.

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/join Atlas’s Cult
/join crazy’s Cult


nuto would like to offer victory
i have nothing to offer

Idfk what Jake is doing honest to god

/Nominate @crazynuto

get the joins in, already

yeah i mean that if you and crazy are both claiming CL twins
if either of you were evil its impossible to fake being good because the twin pair would change

nuto aint claiming my twin
thats the golden part

@Magnus What did you say about this game not being that confusing

I’m just confused as to what this Evil Twin nonsense is about. Atlas is obviously the Lleech or holding the demon. I was never notified about the twinship. If I was supposed to be, then i wasn’t.

I am prosecuting you in court. For lying

if we join their cult, nothing happens
well, there’s twins
and only one fool is claiming twins exist, and its me

if im lying, you bloody win
no need to complain


I did not expect this shit lmao

then we just murder tf out of nuto and get zero consequences

@Atlas nominates @crazynuto, what is each of your accusation and defence?