BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

town knows neither of your living neighbours are evil
so town just plain bloody wins!

Join nuto’s cult.

This is the greatest game of clocktower ive ever played


I know Amelia nominated Atlas earlier, but I have D&D at the minute so vcs aren’t coming out atm.

You can still vote, I’ll catch up.

Well as for defense…

I’ve never said there was an Evil Twin? Seems like a last minute defense because I just happened to claim Cult Leader to you first. I’m not Evil, both my neighbors are good, so join my cult!

Or execute me, but it seriously seems like a waste when the demon is just accusing me lol.

Join All Cults
Execute All Nominations

@YoubutWorse ( Deviant )

the time for victory is at hand!
read from here, and join nuto’s cult

amelia assure you it will lead to victory

Fun part is I can’t think of any drawbacks

Crazy is real, we win
Atlas is real, crazy is outted and we sweep the rest of evil.

We can execute Zone today to be on the safe side.


i don’t bloody know what the sts were thinking
or you, if you’re evil

I mean yeah! But we should all join Atlas’s cult too just to be double safe.

but also let’s just exe Atlas lol

dont vote on me until nuto’s cult is filled!

i join Crazy’s cult @Host_Account_2


a reminder that joining my cult will do nothing
just join nuto’s, i did it just to make a bigger fuss

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Me when I wanted to be mez turned D1: hehe lets be evil
Me now: :froggwee: I don’t wanna be evil


there ain’t no drawback to joining nuto’s cult, both their neighbours are good
and well, tommorow
both my neighbours will be

Why will joining your cult do nothing hmm?

It’s almost as if you’re the demon!

let me phrase it this way for any onlookers
im either evil, and it’ll do nothing
or im the cult leader, you’re my evil twin, and it’ll do nothing

either way
we both agree to join your cult

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Ohhhh right that Evil Twin “Good can’t win” clause. Lucky you that’s not the case!

no point in going back and forth
just in clarifying that town wins if we join your cult