BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

but if you die in the game you die in real life.

You come back as a ghost though

Gotta finish the game after all


im gonna shut up now
if you say no, im afraid you didnā€™t really read anything
discuss with amelia why it works, if you canā€™t trust me

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kiiā€™s confirmed bloody damsel
not confirmed, but thereā€™s so many bloody evil players, it ainā€™t him

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they kill kii?
bloody kill bella and turn me back good
then we win

they kill may?
ybw is right there

ybw was shaded by zone to such an extent she isnā€™t evil, mind you

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I wanna put this game through that text to Ace Attorney thingy

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2049 messages, and counting

ā€¦ weā€™ll skip to when stuff started going down an hour ago ^^;

/join all cults

Btw, no gurantee in sticking around for long. I am a traveller after all

just stay physically here and we win

your character physically

you get the point donā€™t leave town

/Join all other cults @Host_Account_2

likr today
bc i was planning to stay around today

if i have to spend one more game being an annoying wanker constantly im going to lose it

whatever wins games, i suppose
my piece is said
go to the confirmed town to see why this is a good idea, if youā€™re a mahjong player or donā€™t get the game otherwise
and we just win

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I would post this to clocktowercord and watch the reactions

can yo usend the whisper that you used to win atlas over to me