BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

Sounds like a fun game.

wouldnā€™t be clocktower without feeling like suffering from painful withdraw after everythingā€™s over with

I hope a Leviathan BoTF is enough to keep withdrawal symptoms away.

Wait no donā€™t

Ok then.

this is the most game of clocktower ive played

what the hell even happened

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The next BoTF will probably have a Leviathan. 12 rl life days in thread seems good.

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Oh wait my counting sucks. Itā€™s 2*5 = 10 rl life days.

@magnus can you speed up time real quick

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Are you saying Magnus is a Time Lord?

/whisper @Amelia

needs nights, crich

this whole day phase feels like a fever dream lol

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hell, if they try to be

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Oh the nights will be 1 rl day long each.

Thereā€™s a difficult bureaucratic process to manipulate the passage of time outwardly, soā€¦


/join all epic cults

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Or a rerun of Assassin in the Palace.

we really didnā€™t even play the game the first time so
it was just zone getting lucky after we killed him

not being annoying for a few minutes makes me no longer have brain damage
