BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!



If both Zone and Bellatrix are minions, then the twin claims in Atlas and Crazynuto means itā€™s LM game.
Meaning itā€™s not a Lleech game :wowee:


i keep forgetting ur evil lmao

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and iā€™ve seen some of it
some of it being like 20 minutes worth

for the record I havenā€™t watched the show either

zone isnā€™t minion with bella because zone wouldve sacked their only guess and bella would see that

actually thatā€™s not true, I saw the first episode.

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Zone can be evil townsfolk who ā€œusedā€ the Damsel guess for funsies.

if ur talking about the first episode then I personally would say I understand where ur coming from, bc the first episode as a pilot is kinda meh, the second episode is better but still sufferes from the same problems
but all of those problems disappear with the third episode and, like, the show is REALLY GOOD ok and it helped me figure out parts of myself like GOOD MEDIA SHOULD

weā€™re assuming so, mhm

Atlas Iā€™m the Alchemist Evil Twin, and Amelia is the marionette

yeah and breaking bad helped me figure out how to make meth
which is WAY COOLER

i wasnt lying when i said i was looking at a fortune teller token
it just wasnā€™t mine

but at that moment, i was, indeed, looking at a fortune teller token somewhere on the internet


yknow what good point agree to disagree

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Jake shut your face hole and join the cults youā€™re probably Drunk

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out of curiosity, what did you enjoy about Avatar

/join all cults @Host_Account_2

i could look at gay people for an hour or i could learn how to dissolve a corpse in a fourth of the time
way more practical

Iā€™m not the one with the demonā€™s fist up my arse