BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

i was gonna say that Leafia should fearmonger zone


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Ofc Iā€™m assuming that the Cult Leader in question doesnā€™t have 2 evil neighbors right next to them.

its jake
we were ignoring him for half the game for a reason


and i should have done the same apparently

I figured Jake wasnā€™t Demon and let him do his thing. Good thinking on my part.

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half the time heā€™s talked about the demon having their fist up someone

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And the other half was damselbaiting

im sure you did a fantastic job
join the cults

You use Firefox :+1:

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I investigated two evils (I think?) everyone say yaaaaayy May you investigated two evils woooo

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both have admitted to being evil

I havenā€™t quite broken the habit of adding little disclaimers and uncertain words to everything I say relating to Blood on the Clocktower.

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get this over with before you forget again

this is your next obstacle
getting people to not tree


Donā€™t forget to ping Leafia as well for cult vote.

Heā€™s literally in thread help me


@Leafia ill give you the mez word if you dont vote on the cults

Um wait a minute. If the cult is formed with Evil Twins, then even if the Cult Leader is good then the Evil Twin ability prevents good winning right?

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oh right lmfao i totally forgot about that