BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

@Atlas something in my brain is failing to make a connection probably cause it’s sosleepyhours here can youlike. Go through the playerlist and show me what is going on here

If it’s Lil Monsta, you kill minions and mez turned townsfolk/outsiders to reduces the number of potential babysitters.

Is Atlas an Evil Twin? If so, where did both they and their twin claim it?

one of me or nuto’s evil, at least
i claimed they’re my evil twin, they claimed no twins exist
we whispered d1, and i claim that during that whisper, we struck a deal, due to my role

if, at any point, i changed my alignment due to my cult leader ability, someone else would become the good twin
i took that as a free opportunity to not have to deal with nuto, nor any evil twin antics
and they knew if i turned evil and someone else became the good twin while we did nothing but bicker about who the evil twin was, they’d be no less then dead

now, i’m claiming that they aren’t the cult leader, and i am, and they’re saying no evil twin exists
so, since im the one saying killing me will end the game, and both my neighbours, and nuto’s neighbours are good, we decided to have everyone join nuto’s cult, which will prove one of three things

im the lil monsta, in which case the game ends
im the lleech with my drunkness on them, in which case we execute them and the game ends
or its as i say, im the cult leader, and we win the game tommorow by my ability, due to me being good

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im saying my twin is nuto
nuto’s saying there ain’t no twins
confirm that you’re joining nuto’s cult, please

if im lying, good wins
if im lleech, good wins
if im not lying, following my cult tommorow will make good win


i know one of you are sleeping, but when you get back, join up for the cults, and we’ll see what happens
zone’s admitted to being evil, doesn’t matter much

/execute Zone, crazynuto, and Atlas please

For what it’s worth, I’m okay with Atlas’s plan. Either way good wins! So please execute me if you’re confident Atlas is good. I guarantee he’s not since that’s what the Puzzlemaster said, but hey maybe he’s stringing me along lol.

You and Atlas probably live today, because executing the wrong twin wins the game for evil.

one of us dies, unfortunately

I seriously am not the Evil Twin, nor do I think Atlas is. I think he’s the Lleech who after being caught by the Puzzlemaster panicked and threw the first person they could think of under the bus.

Hell, I’d been trying to find out if anyone was potentially puzzle drunk on the off chance a puzzlemaster was in the game. Why would I do that if I was bad?

if im the lleech, you know good’s already won

But this song and dance won’t go on forever haha. I’m fine with being exe-d either way.

either you’re lleeched, which means im a corpse come your death
or you aren’t, which means, good wins

y do u wanna be exed when we could just join ur cult

We’re just waiting for Kii and Leafia at this point.

Real talk. Twin claims this late really suck balls.

But what if you’re an evil Cult Leader?

Just trying to work out the last of the snags in this setup - I think my information being accurate would necessitate something roughly like this?

Bellatrix - Baron
Amelia - Puzzlemaster
ElizaThePsycho - Slayer
Crazynuto - Evil Twin
Leafia - Alchemist
CRichardFortressLies - Mezepheles
JakeTheWolfie - Pixie
Zone_Q11 - Mathematician (evil)
YoubutWorse - Deviant
May - Dreamer
Caspore - Tinker
Atlas - Cult Leader
Kiiruma - Damsel

Townsfolk (7-2): Slayer, Alchemist (Fearmonger), Pixie (Alchemist), Mathematician, Dreamer, Cult Leader (1 Drunk role, 1 Puzzledrunk)
Outsiders (2+2): Puzzlemaster, Tinker, Damsel, Drunk
Minions (2+1): Baron, Evil Twin, Mezepheles
Demon (1-1): Lil’ Monsta

That contradicts Zone’s potentially-real Mathematician info: N1 one malfunction (Puzzlemaster), N2 two malfunctions (Puzzlemaster, ??? ← Would need to be Innkeeper, right?)

Whispered Bellatrix

Thiiiis would be where Zone was converted? It’s only, like, three hours before the Play, but there’s also this:

Where he could’ve discussed it with Nuto.

I dunno, though, as mechanics aren’t my strong suit. I can definitely see this all existing, but I wanna post it publicly to get second opinion, especially since I have no idea if this setup even sounds like. Remotely normal