BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

Possible, though with the number of outed evils so far that isn’t likely.

Also, like, I know that there are no twins because I got given the Twins abilitiy from turning into the Alch

Wait you were serious about that


So why’d the Fearmonger pick a new player at the start of today?

wait i didnt even notice that hold on

Literally replied to Amelia with a serious answer but y’all didn’t listen to the second half.

Let me /unvote all cults for a moment while we sort things out.

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Yep they claimed Fortune Teller to me D1 with Zone and I not the Demon. I’m interested to know if you think Bellatrix as evil puts both their buddies in the same “ping” while bluffing Fortune Teller.

Because Leafia chose a new player mid-night, and
checks notes
Fearmongerer acts before the demon, so Leafia could’ve had enough time to both change their target and also die.


I’m interested to know your mother, or whatever. Not really feeling this joke chat gonna be honest

bella and zone are openwolfing
kiiruma is openclaiming damsel
i just got a REALLY WEIRD sense of deja vu
if jakes info is correct amelia is evil as well

so 3 people would be confirmed evil, we could maybe assume mez/evil cult leader and then get 5 evil? the mez turn being whatever, prob zone,atlas would have to be evil bc lying for no reason so 4 people would be evil then atlas would likely be evil CL but then idk what crazy would be in that world since they would also be evil

Alright, yeah, that checks out.

I guess there is the world where Bellatrix is legit Fortune Teller, and got Mez turned N2. :wowee:

For reference

Either way. Bellatrix would tell the truth about their info D1 either if they were a starting Fortune Teller, or as minion bluffing Fortune Teller. If you can tell the truth to pocket someone and gain cred, instead of potentially getting into a fight with said townie which path would be of least resistance?


Btw CRichard, Bella claimed Dreamer to me in our whisper together and claimed I was Damsel/Baron.

That’s good to know.

Im gonna /leave all cults as well since i think jake is very likely v here