BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

actually thats a good point
what minion am i, again

whats the evil twin heretic interaction
specifically with “good can’t win”

if good loses to a klutz pick or a saint exe
do the twins prevent a heretic flip :wowee:

I mean, it can both be that twins exist and nuto is good. It might be that you’re just the baron and I’m the real evil twin.

im not lleech, i’d be offing myself if i was
in a lil monsta game, what minion am i

bella’s the baron, ft info

May could also just be a drunk dreamer rolling dice

crich is the drunk, in that world
since im the demon

and if may’s puzzledrunk
well, that requires the puzzlemaster

Or you’re holding the lil monsuta token

thats the part we’re pushing
im very obviously not the lleech

because marionette, mez, baron, all exist, according to you

This game is failing to make mechanival sense

i’d need to be the mez
how’d i get it out to everyone else
through amelia? i only whispered them at the very end of the day, and i don’t think they whispered zone then

think of it this way

put down the bottle, drunkard

wait yeah im not the baron
im not the mez
im not marionette, im not ET


Why can’t you be Evil Tween again?

nobodys claiming my GT

Okay you did whisper to Zone D1 yourself

But also Jake did :wowee:

did not accept that whisper

this is the fifth time


Yeah you’re right

Jake are you Mezepheles :thinking: