BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

He’s going to be angry.

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i cc
zone must be evil tbh

to be entirely fair we had 2 1/2 known evils on the block yesterday :wowee:

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True and CRich chose to execute the less likely one to be evil.

in retrospect i probably should have waited until i wasnt holding monsta to damsel guess
hindsight 20/20 :wowee:

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also i have no clue what alignment atlas is now
maybe we’ll win, maybe we wont :wowee:

Heading back out for a bit. :sleepingleafeon:

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I counter your counterclaim!
/whisper Bella


have class in a bit so might not be here long

I have no bussiness to do with you

Wtf why


Really? Even if it is about the Demon’s identity?
/whisper Silviu

Like I’d fall for that

You lie about a detail, you lie about an entire thing.

I believe that’s a practice in the judicial system :grin:

Your loss.

I indeed like the entirety about this game, yes.

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I guess I won’t tell you who the Lleech is then.

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But Nuto already died like you said