BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

You should’ve picked a better lie, even I am more convincing with me in a misc convincing everyone I am controlled by a necromancer

you shouldve called zone out and told him who the real demon was

Wouldn’t have you wanted that Bella? I know you’re the demon

I just realized it last night as I was rummaging through the game

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im the demon


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Okay, I am really not convincing

i dont know your alignment and it frankly doesn’t matter
if youre evil either you win flat-out or you can be filled in once you save an evil

Evil travellers know the demon from the get-go, so it’s not like I have to prove anything if I was evil.

i mean
you would have to prove youre not guessing



Not sure about that. I think I could’ve just shadow whispered the demon right away as I spawned.


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yeah but you didn’t


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so i have no reason to fill you in since youre an unprocced scapegoat who never tried to whisper the demon

But what if I said please?

“You mess up once, messing up a second time is not as stinky”

youre holding Im
we gave it to you last night since youre the deepest wolf

Indeed, I am holding you’re


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