BotF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - GOOD TEAM WINS

Litten, there are 0 worlds where I’m getting executed today, so please give it u ppl. If executing Zone somehow doesn’t end the game, just execute me tomorrow. I won’t even fight it.

What are your votes?

Wait, what?
I thought it was just like, oh heehee so silly we kill Jarek LOL

Okay cool

Was hoping to give Marluna more time but this is fine


Leafia fang gu jumping is such a braindead move when we have time to execute both you and Hazard
Like if she’s actually the demon she’s fucked either way because if she jumps then we execute you and Hazard and if she doesn’t jump then we just execute her and I get embarrassed about being wrong :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

No there’s like definitely a case on you let’s not get that twisted :sob::sob:

The actual case is process of elimination, that higher level play is just what makes Zone/Kiiruma make sense
Which is a play you brought up to me by the way

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This is honestly 100% correct.

Oh wait I understand Litten’s logic LMAOOOOO

Leafia if you’re actually demon jump Hazard instead because Litten literally just doesn’t want to lose so they don’t wanna be jumped to

Also, if I was the demon, I’d want Marluna around like Zone does, wouldn’t I?

Your vote didn’t matter I was gonna hammer exile at eod

So basically you could have just done that to look town

Hmmm, true.

Still doesn’t explain Zone pardoning Marluna though.

It was part of his deal
Nothing special to be honest

I honestly douubt that he would’ve made the deal if he wass town. Besides, the demon is very likely either Zone or Litten here.

Says the person who doesn’t even read why I pardoned her in the first place.

I did read it.




I literally can’t and please stop this paranoia. It’s really starting to annoy me big time.

Zone: *has explanation to pardon Luna*
Leafia: “Zone has no explanation.”
Zone: “You didn’t even read it.”
Leafia: “I did.”

Bullshit is impressive.

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It’s not bs and do you sdriously think I’m going to believe that you wouldn’t do that as the demon?

We’re either executing you or Litten today and why are you so against being executed today Litten? If you’re executed, you can’t be jumped and if you’re executed and I’m the demon, I’d only have Hazard to jump to.