BotF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - GOOD TEAM WINS

Why are you so against being executed today?

Yes, and I can see worlds where you are spouting nonsense as Evil because you refuse to do the one thing you should never do to a town!Zone, which is to agitate me.

You say this, but you do realize that votes donā€™t matter if you donā€™t have enough of 'em, right?

Leafia now that youā€™re very public as farmer, you know that you never die and have your ability proc. Right?

Look at the votes everyone claimed to have made. 7 people claimed to have vited execute on Kiiruma and yet he survived. It mightā€™ve been 6 though but I think it was 7. Not 100% certain. Either way, only 5 votes are needed to execute someone yet heā€™s still alive.

Kiiruma tell ur demon to jump me tonight thx

Course mate. Wanna talk about it?

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/whisper Kiiruma


It all depends on how the demon decides to play because what happens if the demon kills me? They can claim I jumped and try to get the outsiders executed too.

(Says the loudmouthā€¦)

Ah, yes. The votes which nobody can see or confirm. Perfect breeding ground for lies, but surely nobody would lie about who they voted.

Huh. So basically you OMGUS him.
Good to know, because thatā€™s exactly what I am doing to you.

Iā€™m sorry if I upset you.

me and Kiiruma agreed
their demon will jump me

chooo CHOOOO

7 votes? Damn, everyone including Kiiruma himself voted Kiiruma? Thatā€™s one helluva dedication right there.

I only voted Guava and Litten.

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For fuck sake you broke the whisper again lol.
My b for sending that last message


We will.

2 people at most lied thugh. And that makes a minimum of 5 votes to execute Kiiruma.

Apology accepted.
ā€¦I am not going to change my votes though.

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I will confirm I voted everything but me yesterday
And today Iā€™ve voted on nothing except 1 slot.

Votes are locked


Not that you can.
Votes are locked when made.

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