BotF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - GOOD TEAM WINS

So basically she still needs one more vote for exile, right? …it would be a damn shame if I -one of the people with the most notorious reputation- were to break my word, huh?

Can you even change those votes in an OG game?

I didn’t even know that votes on normal players auto-lock.
But hey: My original vote to exile Luna changed to pardon, and based on the VC, it seems that exile votes are unaffected by OG, so…

Yeah, I should be able to exile her.

You originally voted to exile her? Definitely change it back to exile.

OG doesn’t affect travellers.

Ah okay. Understood.

Hey Leafia. Remember what I said about context? You definitely BS’ed about having read “it”, because whatever you thought “it” was, “it” was not the context at all.

Nope. I read it. It’s NAI at best though.

The stench increases with each and every new post you make…

What stench?

Zone can you quote the post she allegedly read

Sure. Here you go:


In case anyone wants to claim that “Zone somehow knows Luna is evil and wishes to save her”, then I would like to offensively ask where your braincells are.

I can’t even whisper to her as a neighbor since Guava’s between the two of us.

Please explain why you wouldn’t make that deal as the demon. I’m waiting.

Also, you wouldn’t need to know she’s evil to want to save her as a demon.

“Please explain to me why [anything you are doing as Good] couldn’t be done as Evil. I am waiting.”

Yeah. Keep waiting. You are asking for a fucking probatio diabolica, you asshole.

Wrong because you’ve been basically pushing that you wouldn’t do this as evil based on your statements you’ve made. Because why wouldn’t I try using anything I can to make people realize that you’re the demon when I’m certain that you’re the demon? Instead, yu claim that just because I brought that up that I must’ve not read where you made that deal.


He’s also TMIed me not the demon because instead of just claiming that I’m using bs arguments he’s saying I must not have seen where he made the deal.

You need to read inbetween the lines Guava.

He’s also acting like that’s the only reason I suspect him.