BotF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - GOOD TEAM WINS

I imagine that if the Vizier is in an investigator ping, and uses their ability. They would have to DM the storyteller and the execution is announced without the Vizier being announced.

MM + Vizier, so that the Demon can be executed by their minions. :wowee:

The impact organ grinder had on this game was, in my opinion, a positive one. which is a suprise, it didn’t look fun on paper.


It caused a hard vortox check d1 and that’s funny


The hard vortox check by complete accident was kinda funny and could have gone either way

I might have suspected Legion this game, yet the fact that the Organ Grinder didn’t claim alchemist confirmed it wasn’t Legion in play.

People don’t lie a lot on this site.

I mean they were playing for their win condition. Don’t take it personally.

Pretty ironic, seeing that this site has “Lies” as part of the name :wowee: .

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it was unfun lol

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Yeah sorry, I’ve been slacking

Man I didn’t even catch tthat

Literally it was in front of my eyes and I was like “I think she didn’t reveal anything yet”

The actual duck

you were SLEEPING on this info?

Time to head into an unproductive conversation from the get-go.

Unfortunately I misread what they wrote, I didn’t think from the right perspective here.

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At least I had the right approach for Leafia but I don’t think it’s practical in retrospect.