BotF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - GOOD TEAM WINS

Was Magician fun?

Well it was, but I wish I was more careful

Both Guava and Leafia were convinced at different points of D1 that you were their ally, by the way.

But then I blew it

On the contrary, Leafia outed to you and Guava might have outed to you as well on the first day. Thatā€™s a lot.

Well I guess no one played with a mad hatter before and especially for them to be that blunt.

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If thereā€™s a Magician in play and someone hardclaims evil in whispers immediately, Iā€™m assuming theyā€™re the Magician. But thatā€™s just me.

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I knew litten from their apparent fears and nuto carefully searching why I would think theyā€™re evil when I m demon seemed town

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Itā€™s a great role. People underestimate the Magician.

That was my intention anyways because I am putting people I m whispering in a confusing position and their reaction can be enough of a foothold. Sadly in my mad hatterness I missed obvious hints.

That included trusting guava.

And people call Magician weak.

@Leafia I was tempted to tell you that the Cerenovus had made you mad, because the Magician can do that apparently, mimicking the powers of Minions to the Demon, although I didnā€™t think it sounded fun.

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much weaker in 2+ minion games

What in the world

Apology accepted.

Ah GG good work everyone!

Silviu actually had said ā€œIā€™m evil, here are the bluffsā€ to me, and I realized they were the magician shortly after, as thereā€™s no way Iā€™d be mistaken as one lol.

So I decided to protect Silviu and the Barber Litten, and my Courtier bluff worked rather well Iā€™d say :sunglasses:

Thanks all, this was a lot of fun!


That was kind of dumb of me sadly. I took a chance that conditionalized what type of evil I am speaking to and thatā€™s not what you should do because that chance can easily go away.

Hey it still worked out somehow. You got incredibly lucky.

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I got lucky that litten existed and Leafia has terrible RNG luck.