BotF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - GOOD TEAM WINS

I’ve been here for 2 years and 6 months, I am still yet to be mafia

there were only three people who really even could have been the demon imo logically and they were you, Litten and Leafia and Leafia’s my demon and Litten is pushing Leafia so if I say Litten is the demon I look even more paired with Leafia (plus Litten was like obvtown) so you were kinda the only option

maybe I could have pushed a Hazard Imp world? I guess?
but that would have gone over even worse than pushing you

shoulda joined
we (evil) did not play well at all lmao

so this was like made after the game right

I was never outting to either of them
Way to risky, I was just gonna hope my demon could figure out I was the minion and not Silviu, which she did

this game was my first mafia rand LOL

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