BOTF XXI: Unkindness, Murder and Storytelling (9/15) + (1/5) Travellers

since either the Goth Kid nommed fanatic themselves, or a minion just died

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Did I also mention Groundskeeper?

misinformation is generally not a good excuse to counter OP characters

If you take away misinformation, that alone makes the good team win rate shoot up markedly.

yes but alone it isn’t a good counter

literally normal mafia voting
the thing we used in magnus’ game was a mix of the two that was palatable
i just cba to look at a spreadsheet to track votes


given that, unless its like a “choose a character they’re poisoned” (lmao)
it tends to be spread among the team as a whole

The game has roles which requires nomination :(

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But yea fair

ok but the first voter is nom

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That’s fine if popular demand for it exists.

Is it is the is it the is it ht is the the hte hte is is is is

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That will break a bunch of roles will it not

tbh it depends on site culture which is better
on fol id say FM voting is better
but on clocktowercord, no one really wants to be forced to be around for eod, so its worse

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this is what me and tristan implemented yes
whoever first votes on a player is considered the “nomination”


is the nominator

These roles all rely on nominations 1. existing or 2. being timed to function, we cannot make that change lightly

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you quoted thespian twice lmao what a nerd

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nominations still exist they can just happen whenever
you just have to nominate someone before voting on them
its that simple

tristan ran an snv with it and it went just fine despite the number of nomination-relating roles on SnV

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Final Girl and Thespian need nominations to be timed

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