Hey could you look at the message I just sent in response to you earlier and then ask yourself if you think that’s the most egregious thing I’ve done in the last five minutes
i just dont think roles like that generalyl translate well to longform anyways so idrc
lmao what a nerd
uses the word egregious
I also use hte words “is”, “it”, and “the”
Yeah that would be awkward now it’s mentioned.
there happen to be roles on this script that require the current voting system and that makes me not desirous to engage in playing behaviour
as demonstrated in the FAM gladiate the FoL votebot allows you to vote for multiple people simultaneously so theoretically you could do something more-or-less like original forum clocktower voting and just. Not have a spreadsheet
the one tricky thing would be locking votes but you could just say that votes don’t do that
imagine locking votes
what’s the point
I think some kind of modification of the nom system could work but I’m cautious about making the decision haphazardly when it interacts with so many roles. I think I’d still want to keep one nomination per player and nominations being declared for the roles quoted there; regular FM voting makes it hell to track who nominated and makes the “player who nominated today/nominated you” question more vague and less meaningful, there’d still have to be a pre-nomination phase for Thespian and Final Girl, I suppose we could change it so noms/votes can both happen anytime in the last 36 hours and it’d probably be fine?
having to keep track of votelocking as a player is garbage
That doesn’t interact with any roles and makes things a little less painful in the case of a slow day, might be nice to do regardless of night’s playering status
one nomination per player is still required for the game
we keep that
nominations are still host-declared, though they can be done without host’s explicit facilitation for ease of use
we keep that
we have a system that works just not for thespian and final girl
ill be running this system for my next botf and this botf will not have thespian or final girl
Ah yeah. When I heard “regular FM voting” I assumed you could move your nomination/they would not be delcared which would make thing too confusing but if it is not htat that makes more sense
Votelocking is… hm. Is a little hell to keep track of. After the Poltician game I have personal bias on this ubnject
its basically
nominations are normal except 1. they can be done any time during the day without host facilitation
2. just normal plurality voting on nominated players instead of whatever wacky votelocking multivoting majority-required tie=noexe system thats used here for ease of player comprehension
i hate looking at spreadsheets to try to determine a gamestate from
So you can only vote yes on one nom at time?
so the way I would handle nominations/voting if I were running a BotF right now (which I am not) would be something like
x hours before nominations open
y hours of nominations
z hours of voting
(think the standard is 12/12/24 but I forget)
if someone nominates in the last hour of nominations, nominations get extended to (1 hour beyond the point when they nominated), to stop forum-specific forms of nomination sniping
voting is handled through the votebot, alive players can vote as many people as they want among the nominees (using the aforementioned forum votebot features) and their votes Simply Do Not Lock. votes are kept track of through the votebot
dead players only get one vote ever unless otherwise specified, dead player votes lock once they’ve cast their vote (hosts can enforce this but also people can just not break the rules)
as usual you need a minimum of (living players/2) votes to execute, tie means no-exe
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