BOTF XXI: Unkindness, Murder and Storytelling Main Thread GAME OVER

Its on them

People don’t lie on FoL as much as you would think.
Take Fall of Rome or XX where pretty much everyone hardclaimed Day 1, with like two exceptions.

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/whisper magnus

There’s no rush to out any theories immediately.

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I need to go though.

I mean honestly I’m 100% sticking to my claim, I rarely lie unless I’m evil.
Also assuming I’m evil I’ve had this claim from the start which would suggest me as the demon.

Demon in Valley ping doesn’t really make sense?

i dont think grounds could mess with hazard
he would get groundskeeper as a townsfolk, not something else
i don’t know how hazard would be made drunk by grounds itself

Groundskeeper registers as townsfolk.
A townsfolk is drunk’d, which is Hazard (Valley)

but he would have to have registered as it from somewhere, wouldnt he

Nope. I mean Recluse can just register as evil in general.
Doesn’t have to register to an ability.
But that’s playing with technicalities there.

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“Each night, decide what character type (Townsfolk, Outsider, Minion, Demon) the Groundskeeper will register as for the day, then decide if a player of that type becomes drunk, if so, place the “Drunk” token next to them.”

i slept for 4 hours 3 days in a row
my critical thinking sucks


Yeah so it’s viable for Hazard to be drunk’d by a groundskeeper or a suit to exist who messed with it.

As much of a feelsbad it is for Hazard’s OPG to be used up with mis-info, it’s using an evil ability to help evil.

The Almanac for this script is very weird. Under normal circumstances, misregistration would involve taking the place as a specific character and their type, but the Groundskeeper is just type-exclusive. I’d clarify with the STs.

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Actually, just don’t trust the almanac.
Look at Martial Artist and you’ll see why.

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Can you link it

Unkindness,Murder & Storytelling Almanac.

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I don’t get it what’s wrong with it

”If you choose a evil player, you are drunk until dusk tomorrow."

Second example showcases protecting the Shabaloth from the Devil’s Advocate.

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I never understood the drunk until dusk
What does this phase mean

It means you’re drunk until the end of the next day.

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