BOTF XXI: Unkindness, Murder and Storytelling Main Thread GAME OVER

I’ve already explained why it’s perfectly fine for that information to be presented about the demon and no one has rebutted it

Yeah hopefully not if town’s able to read posts on this forum.

Either I win or I lose voting the demon it’s a win win for me


Or you lose voting a good player who’s clearly been backed up by multiple sources unlike others in the F3.
But pop off IG

I don’t quite understand what makes my information bad.

The 1 is shitty, but I got what I got.

it implies I’m a minion

Jarek’s own info further backs me up lmao. Just to add the 3rd set of confirmation

I’m backed up by both other people in the F3 somewhat and also by Hazard who died in the night.
And yet I’m the demon somehow? Wild.

Jumping into a BOTC game I know nothing about was a mistake

Who do you even think the demon is

It’s fine, you’re not the only player who doesn’t know anything about either.
There’s players that think that ignoring all mechanical pieces corroborating a good player, is a good play.

As far as I know my information says Atlas. But I have had things thrown in my face about minions and I just zoned it out and I do not care

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Kiiruma try not to gaslight the thread challenge: impossible

Litten try to read the thread challenge: Impossible

I’ve read the thread

Yet despite 3 different sources backing me up you’re deciding I’m the demon when it’s practically impossible to build? K buddy

it’s not really impossible

jarek suits you n1
atlas suits you n1

Basically I’m accusing you of not caring what happens: case and point, you are voting alongside atlas

So my evil team is Jarek, Me or Atlas, Me.

I got suited N1, didn’t speak to either of my teammates and so didn’t know about it (And they couldn’t have gotten bluffs), I then claimed the other half of Hazard’s ping and having no reason to not think Silviu was the correct half of the ping, instead of trying to back down out of it, I kept doubling down.

And then depending on which of them is my teammate, either there’s another piece of information due to Atlas learning my information doesn’t benefit the good team (Which you for sure get on the demon N2) or information thanks to Atlas suiting me very conveniently again at the right time which backs up me being good from Jarek.