BOTF XXV: Extension Cord Game Over

/Whisper Someone.

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/whisper accept

Aye or nay?

@Litten has nominated @Someone .


what does whispering the storytellers do?

It’s what is known as consulting the storyteller/s.

Fabulous, I’m glad to hear it.

@Magnus i completely misunderstood what you were asking :wowee:

yes to p38

nuh uh to p47

I feel like it was fairly straightforward in the moment.

I thought you meant wake up as in wake up not choose a player

Waking up involves either learning information or picking a player.

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Sorry for yesterday, you were in a poisoned redcheck.

/Whisper Icet.

I accidently did 11 words in Neigbor, thinking we had 15
I said waist to magnus as my last word

You also said tilde.

Waltzing ma ~tilde.

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waist ~

Magnus it’s kinda funny it actually works with that theory or what I said lul

Have you ever heard that song? Waltzing Matilda?
Every Australian knows it.
