BOTF XXV: Extension Cord Game Over

also, meant to send this earlier, and failed:
Anyways, I am (or at least, I think I am) the Oracle. I got a 0 last night, so bionic is evil or I got a false result.

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sorry, phone glitched out on me, had to get to my computer

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0 would indicate that Bionic was good.

sorry, i misstyped

I am not the Monk. Nobody is claiming either Monk or Soldier.


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Yea its really useless

what was this message in response too? asking because it looks random from where i see it

There were no kills last night, and nobody is claiming a protective ability.

@Playwright can you guys reset votes?

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nobody should

yeah, one sec

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In which case someone would be lying about their role, because I’ve had hardclaims from everyone.

no dashi being the demon means we have no kills i thought? because they poison?

The No Dashii poisons their neighbours forever, and kills one player every night. This kill is not optional, but it can be sunk into a dead player.

Can we whisper?

got it, misunderstood it


so then they could have sunk into bio right?

Yeah, but I’m unsure why.