BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

God I dont have the impulse control for this, im so tempted

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What are you currently thinking

to hammer, what else could I be thinking about?

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If you are actually town I kinda need you to be patient and wait, I am assuming you are claiming to be able to detect alignments and you can’t be posioned or else your slams fail!

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you will provide us with a reality check on if we are correct or not

I know if they have the same alignment as me (assuming condition X is valid)

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Wording is very strange about that

Yeah that’s incredibly useful, considering we don’t have mechanica to go off of right now, you basically tell us if we are looking in the right direction or wildly off base, which is needed, I’m clearing a lot of people off mecganical and socials and idk if I’m right

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Atlas is vouching for Silviu and I trust atlas and I can see what they are saying this game about them/

Bionic is acting the exact same way they did last game, where they were good (botc game) but I don’t really think they are polarized.

If you nominate magnus, I would vote on it. The more I look at the list I’ve made the more I think that magnus is the right call, although I know they will argue against it. I’m mostly going to be ignoring magnus’s push on me when explaining since I think it would be kinda unfair to push them solely off that.

I’ve already explained why I town read the people I’m currently town reading. Magnus is good enough of a player to where I think if they are evil, evil winning would be because of their efforts and it’s a lot harder mountain to climb if they are evil to winning the game. If they are good, then that means I can trust that the world views they push this game are actually legitimate and they are also good enough of a player to where I think being able to trust that is good. Since you are claiming to be able to check alignments, I think that would be a prudent alignment check today if you are able to do so, and I can vote on it if needed to help meet the condition.

I also think that bionic will fall on their face when claiming in the future if they are lying, I can whisper them tomorrow or people can use their whispers on them today to understand what they are and try to figure out if they are lying (I’m sorry for thinking that Bionic), Amelia is sort of claiming outsider maybe I’m wrong there and I don’t want to hit into outsider claims. Brak has claimed a role to me that I’m not comfortable killing today, maybe future days. Silviu is trusted by atlas and I understand where atlas is coming from. Which leaves me with three people, but I’m more worried about Magnus than Marluna and tutuu, and I think that whenever tutuu claims I can go back to what they said publicly and see if it tracks with their hesitation and if it doesn’t we can murder them.

This entire post is why I think magnus is a good positional kill today if we are going to kill anyone, magnus has said they were somewhat able to mechanically confirm themselves but I have not been able to see this with my own eyes and we shall see what they have to say. In conclusion I think confirming magnus’s alignment is good and I think out of the people in my list I’m most worried about them if they are evil, they are mechanically savvy and socially savvy.

People can get mad at me for playing sloppily with roles and I apologize for that, but I feel annoyed and irritated and I always do my best work whenever I’m annoyed and irritated. I think I have reasons to clear a lot of people at least for today, and I want to know magnus alignment and someone is providing an avenue for that, and I see a lot of strategical reasons as to why magnus dying would be good for good regardless of their alignemenr, barring people claiming mechanical information condemning certain people.

This was also ignoring their push on me, so I don’t think it’s really an unfair assessment as to why we should execute them today.

I think a lot about why I lose certain games sometimes, I hate losing and I try to improve each game even if I’m very sarcastic to other people or facetious whenever discussing games. The serpents game we lost due to bad socials, and the evil team was pretty loaded. It was very much a skill issue in how I parsed the game where I noticed warnings signs and ignored them because I didn’t want to push them. That play style works when you have one strong wolf and a bunch of weaker wolves but against an entire wolf team that strategy fails.

It’s kinda of a worse problem this game. We don’t have a lot of mechanics to work with so we have to rely on socials and I think I would be really bad if I tried to look at the game and pinpoint the exact demon, I don’t know. No one else knows, I’ve asked around on what people want to do and they want to execute the outsider because “no better options”, well I’m offering a strategtical and positional option for an execution that will make the game either easier or clearer.

Does your ability require the actual character not-in-play?

(What you want to add)

I don’t know what you mean. Do you mean “does the ability fail if somebody picked that character”? No, it doesn’t

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I also doubt that the ability they have been claiming/softing in the thread actually exists, considering the fact that one of the main arguments for me being wolf earlier was it not being able to fit on a token, doubt any ability like that could fit on a token, of course it’s also magnus but

  1. Bionic
  2. Sirderp
  3. Leafia - Leviathan
  4. Brak
  5. Otter - Mayor
  6. Kiiruma - Harlot
  7. Litten
  8. Silviu
  9. Atlas
  10. Tutuu
  11. Magnus
  12. May
  13. Amelia
  14. Someone - Vizier
  15. Marluna

Did I miss any public claim?

…oh right i still have a whisper
is anyone here that wants to