BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

…im now just thinking back to every prior botf game with litten in it to my knowledge and I think he has blabbed in almost every single one

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Like literally my result is saying you weren’t going to win solo lol

It literally said you were going to annoy and alienate people and make people not trust you

Granted, I didn’t know this, I got technically an incorrect result

Kiiruma’s daydream

Demon plague doctor: Every night* choose a player they will be told they have the plague. Once all good players have been infected with the plague it will be announced that the game is in lockdown and town have 1 day to kill you or evil wins.

Townsfolk plague doctor: You start off with the plague, which has the ability “You are safe from the demon”. Every night* choose a player, they will be informed they have the plague, which is a copy of your plague. Once all good players have been infected with the plague something bad happens, however, you learn 1 evil player and their ability.

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litten to me this looks like the blitherings of a madman

a Lunatic if you will

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btw ,may

You could have given me literally any indication that that’s what result you had. You could have given it even two seconds of thought and realised that what you got wasn’t going to be a fucking free N0 redcheck

i like your new profiule picture

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anyway my demon choice was High Priestess

I did not think about it beyond “it sounded cool”

I cannot really explain till post game

where is her mets hat tho

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Yes and I’m mad at myself for thinking he would have ever helped me

nya nya

The Deus Ex fiasco is in play

tbh if you’re actually an Outsider like you claim (and uh… there’s 3 Outsiders to my knowledge sooooo) I don’t think the win was there

but i wouldn’t have blabbed it sounds funny

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I would appreciate it if you didn’t yell at me for thinking it was a red check until post game though. I already explained to people my result was sorta incorrect and I corrected it. I cannot really explain further.

Ooooh 3 outsiders so far.
If any townsfolk have outsider modification that might be helpful to know.
Otherwise we could be having some evil modification, after all outsiders are beneficial to evil

omg litten what the fuck why would you think its a red check are you actually beyond-