BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

…so you get here and you dont claim

I’m still here tests being past out

naw im not spending even more time whats done is done


I’m a spy

@Jinxed :hammer: @Marluna :triangular_flag_on_post: @Brakuren

im going to bed

I think it was the wrong call to Jill basicaly the king but it was hard either way

like mutation and all.

youre apparently dead

Hosts did say they will take a bit

but my formatting is right so its all good, checked like a few hours ago


Can you use non emoji’s please

bruh you litterally said I could


if you are guessing me as mafia it’s gonna fail

/Consult storytellers @jinxed

Hold on

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sssorowy my y fever i si a a little worse soso i wont tbee prorcesys ing in gianny. acatitions foror a a while
rleave that to hhhazzy