BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

/whisper atlas tutuu


Considering your “passive” ability and the three kills last night, you better.

/whisper @Litten
/whisper @Atlas

who will make

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/whisper tutuu
/whisper litten

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This is… useless to the demon in lizards?

I’m an outsider so it’s harmful, plus Snowe just decided it’d be funny to add that bit :upside_down_face:

I did ask for clarification and it does includes their abilities.

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@Atlas can you confirm that you could not have been anticlaimed?

Imma be honest im still not sure how dangerous that is

More harmful than it not happening at all.
So yeah I’m good with just sticking to myself for now.

To those who already know my ability feel free to whisper it around to others so that it can be ascertained whether or not people would pick agree or disagree <3
That way I can get progress on my side without harming yall.

Three people voted for Otter’s election, so it could be that sort of scenario.

Yes, however, I voted for that and I’m still alive.

Silviu and I also voted for it. I’m imagining something like “kill one person, or kill however many people voted for your election, but your voters are safe.”

You could see that for a dictator.

It’s a possibility but we can just vote for someone else today for the election to test for that.

Since the claim of Mayor D1 felt relatively pure at face value, as others did agree.

@Someone what alignment did you learn Marluna was?
(I don’t believe in the alignment Vortox tinfoil.)

I didn’t see anyone else say that apart from you.