BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Brakuren is literally my revolutionary pair. We wake up together.

But you’ll ignore this anyway.


you refused to tell me anything, why should I trust you

I have a double redcheck.

let me guess, me and me

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At least three of the first’s day statements are true.
At least three of the second day’s statements are false.

oh wait what does Good mean

It refers to alignment.

So let me get this straight
You think I’m evil, clearing someone or deep or both, intentionally? Correct?
@someone phone at 1 using computer to charge I’m about to write a wall not directed at why magnus is scum but explaining my every thought process of why I did certain actions and why I’m doing certain actions and then I will explain why I think you should kill either bionic or Brakuren

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I don’t think Kiiruma is bad so I guess this just leaves Somoene/Litten/Bionic

how tf does the 3rd statement even work

like that is just always true

The general is not a monk claim?
What the fuck are these questions

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:ghost: omg

The fifth statement’s veracity changes on whether SDA changed their claim to Monk or not, for the second day. Yeah.

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the general isn’t the monk! It’s always false!

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At least three statements are false.

yea but I know 2 of my statements are always true unless if you are using a technicality