I’ve really got to start putting my info together, huh. I’m gonna spreadsheet this

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so would you wager this game is like s&v

You are just going to arrive at the same conclusions I’ve arrived to multiple times.

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It’s not super S&Vy but I’m very scatterbrained and have a habit of just disregarding pieces of information I forget when solving

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No, Litten, I’m fucking not, because there are pieces of information about this game that I have and that you are missing because you are not sufficiently trusted, and you’re going to have to learn to cope with that

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I promise I am a reasonably intelligent person and I’m not spiting you by “refusing to listen to your cases” there are just things you don’t fucking know about

Okay, let’s play ball
Do you agree with me that otter and Silviu are both probably town?

I don’t want to do this right now, Litten, I want to collect and organise the information I have and then I’ll get back to you

I never once said you were spiting me.

But you’ve repeatedly implied that us hiding information or not seeming to react to your request or cases is us playing poorly when that’s not how this game works. Sometimes you ask me questions in public that I can’t answer without giving shit away!!

Be patient

I do think no one asking to whisper with me like all game is telling about the fact that im not wolf

@tutuu Who do you want executed today

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I do not mean to imply that people are playing badly by hiding things away. However, there are some things in the game that I do not think need to be hid away, and the thing that I asked Silviu was one of those questions. I didn’t want them to answer it pubicilly I just wanted them to answer my question.

As for not trusting me, that’s fine, but I would appreciate it if people respected the time I put into this game by trying to correct faulty assumptions I have if I do have them. I’m trying to put the pieces of information I have together. No one has told me anything about there being any information about Silviu Or Otter being bad. And if those assumptions are correct, I don’t see how my cases are wrong.

The answer is “it’s Lizards”

For thoroughness: which players have seen Kiiruma’s ability?


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Who was selected by it N2? Leafia and…?

