by tye way

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are they adcusing beak oc beijg evil with or without you


How could you, did you bait demons into killing you?

Marluna hasn’t expressed an opinion on my slot all game aside from this one line, which was more referring to the gameboard in general:

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Allegedly! Although I was just an Executioner who defended after their targets so we all agreed it was silly to do so.

i also meant in general, more specifically to the peo ple who think brak demoj you mjnion

What was your ability, magnesium

I’ve generally seen people assume Brak and I would be on the same team, except for SDA who believes in v!Brak / w!Magnus against all odds.


I noticed some reasoning being given behind our world building and I figured to address it a bit:

I personally am more than happy to see Amelia being executed. I am not however as happy to see it today as it has pretty big downsides for me personally unless Amelia is demon. This could be a point in favour for Amelia being the Demon. Or Amelia could be innocent and the ‘downside’ is making it look like Amelia is evil to support Derps’ world.

if you were w/w and braks the demon
wouldnt you have designed a good fakeclaim for them

I was the Fearmonger who started knowing two players, those being Leafia and Amelia. If one died and I wasn’t the player most responsible, one of my Townsfolk neighbours would drunk.
Not even if I was dead, specifically.

Yeah… Derps’ question includes if they can become the demon which does significantly eliminate the helpfulness of it.

Would it be possible that maybe May got poisoned?

At the very least I would critique Brak’s fakeclaim and try to build something that sounds reasonable and useful while simultaneously trying to abide by his own intentions for how to play the game, in such a state.

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I still think Someone is telling a truth about having killed Magnus because they were a prime demon candidate and so I don’t think most players who are demon candidates would have killed them.

May died the same night that Leafia died, which would limit the impact of it.

Well come to think of it, it surely have a soft cushion.

In which case they might kill Brak tonight because he was the other flagbearer. Imagine.