Leafia was voting on something iirc earlier sadly

Leafia voted on a nomination before it was nominated - Silviu vote is going to be removed because of this as well.

Was it before it was nominated? That’s really important to check

Leafia voted before the nomination, which off precedent of the host saying they need to remove Silviu vote…

I am pretty sure but I can check

Check the VC


Did you happen to have a working theory for why May didn’t gain anything from Otter’s election, or could it have been a fluke? It didn’t square with her ability claim which would imply poison, but there’s no precedent for day poison and… it had to be sent out at the beginning of the night, so poison wouldn’t even be possible to affect it and no evidence of such exists anyway.

Kiiruma caused all townafolk neigbors to be poisoned, and they Neigbor Kiiruma

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I caused them to be Drunk and if I work out who I’m Droisoning then it’ll be removed but I only have 1 shot like a puzzlemaster or damsel guess

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Yeah, it’s really powerful if we are right about our current world view as it can prove or disprove it

Except Marluna migjt have registered as an outsider and wasn’t poisoned but

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Yeah our big issue is:
Is Marluna functioning correctly or not?
As it’s possible either way annoyingly

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Oh right, Marluna’s ping confirms an alive Minion Fisherman.

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In our worldview @Magnus my drunkedness is on Otter and either Marluna… or nobody else because everyone else is evil / non-townsfolk

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Litten didn’t specify alive neighbours.

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Oh, I meant to specifiy tbat

It is on my alive townsfolk neighbours.

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Marluna and your own ability would contradict each other and render the “guess” as nothing more than that. Her own ability registering as an Outsider to ensure good information would be beneficial, whereas your own drunk’ening skipping over her at the moment of your guess while she received false information would screw you over. Or both.

The moment she registers as a townsfolk, she loses her ability to register as an outsider, I think

Not that it matters since it’s practically a coinflip as to whether that occured