sda, do you stand by your claimed artist check d4?
what part did i miss?
amelia always some evil
one minion between bionic/someone
i cleared slots and by process of elimination i arrived at that
whats your team that would leave marissa and SDA as both town?
I see
I’ll trust that I should know this cuz I don’t want to think that hard
Guess we gotta kill em
I haven’t FPSed much this game pretty much everything iv said has been true
containing these players, ja?
hey magnus, litten
did you jump?
im not waiting that long for a response
since otters confirmed and we think magnus and litten are good, if sda is good, amelia is definitively a flagbearer
SDA’s artist hceck is meaningless because anybody could’ve hypothetically become Demon via Kiiruma and hosts said they had to take every possibility into account
looking at your sheet, you’d need to justify either Bionic/Someone W/W or Kiiruma minion or Magnus minion. Or misregistration on Silviu’s peeks or Kiiruma’s peeks
theoretically speaking the demon could be a zombuul who can still kill
who the minions
i dont disagree with anything if its the same version as before
That’s a terrible counterargument
to a terrible point
STs have to take every possibility into account when answering a yes/no question. We do not have to take every possibility into account when answering “who to execute”
No? Mechanically the STs said they had to do this