It kinda makes perfect sense if they are the damsel though

i dont think we considered this scenario

lets assume amelia doing what they did was their optimal play

what does that mean?

if they had stayed quiet, and hoped to get a town mischopped, and attempted to guess silviu right before day ends (and is the damsel) and have evil kill twice + kiiruma maybe kill someone - could that have won the game for evil?

so if atlas/brakuren was about to get wagoned and deemed consensus scum, if amelia had stayed quiet, wouldnt they have bigger odds of winning?

so who was getting heat at the time amelia outed?

A crackhead question came into my mind all of a sudden

But it’s like… Amelia didn’t even try to hide it at all. There was 0 subtlty.
We know the Damsel is a starting Minion.

Why basically out as minion so overtly other than to draw all of the heat?
You don’t even need to be minion damsel to do that you need to know of it.
And we believe there’s a minion Fisherman, who could know of it.


What if Atlas died this night

2 demons guaratee a win
It’s optimal for damsel Amelia to do that regardless of anything else since there’s no subtly behind pubicilly choosing

If Demon is forced to kill each night, then why they didn’t kill during the night I did my swap

If they both survive

You didn’t swap atlas?

I swapped ONLY Tutu with Marluna

Or maybe Derps was protective all along

there is subtetly behind public choosing if they do it 1 second before eod

so if atlas/brakuren is town, amelia is damsel, why not wait?

it could be they were afraid of the 50/50, of their demon getting chopped

or amelia could not be damsel

kiiruma says brakuren was getting heat at the time amelia outed. i checked some posts and silviu accused atlas when he outed his role. so i dont know this is a bit subjective to determine which one was getting suspected more


i dont think amelia + atlas fits due to amelia’s actions. why not mischop brakuren and win?

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so i think chop brakuren

but again, not confident

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amelia didnt wait because they wanted to you to wifom gambit it


If it’s Amelia + Atlas then Amelia stays quiet, does a last second guess and boom, that’s all you need.
But since that’s ruled out now it’s either Brak + Amelia or Brak + Atlas. And Brak fits both worlds, so that’s our correct execution

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they either wanted you to think what youre thinking, or think that what youre thinking is what they want you to think, and think the other thing, or think that they want you to to think is that they want you to think that they want you to think the other thing

i think that this is a “i wont press my win button” scenario

if we mischop brakuren here and evil atlas + evil amelia wins, i think you two would have also won if amelia didn’t out immediately and did it last second