The hosts really liked Amelia this game, saving them from the instant hammer and us killing them today.

Not actually a point against them, but it that condition was true, this would be really funny as to why Kiiruma got that ability

I’m assuming it’s an FPS on Kiiruma’s part to ensure his hopeful executions actually die. It’s sorta just redundant with my ability otherwise, being similar but worse.

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bruh I didnt even finish what I was saying :ghost:

I told you to ping me when back wtf

I never said that

skill issue honestly

too much developments where happening in thread and I felt like I wasn’t gaining anything from talking to you

Oh wait… could I say Someone told me whatever during the whisper and it’d be my word against theirs?

Someone called me a half-decent Chess player.

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That’s an interesting idea, actually.

Im a bout to go to sleep and I wanted to talk in thread

I explicitly said that that would guarantee my condition is met, not that that was my condition, stop intentionally twisting my words

Is your condition a wall of text.

I waited hours for you and you didnt even give me seconds

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short af

You can continue the conversation publicly, I don’t mind.

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Doesnt matter, im retracting what I said cuz I dont even care what alignment brak is anymore

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This is out of principle now

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You could use your dead vote on them!