just assume youre way too smart for them.and youre doing a favour by not really getting tested
thats why my iq is definitely above 130


I did research and the “max” for these tests is normally 145 or 160 and idk which it is

I’m so fa-fa-fabulous (likes to dress up)
fa-fa-fabulous (wearing make-up)

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Curiosity is endless I will second that. Hence why I broke into my mom’s email to find report in the first place. But it is really not that helpful in practice


did they act like you’re a robot that they kept trying to poke with a stick in different ways to see how you’d react



Not really they didn’t show engagement or curiosity. Not in the “poke in a stick with different ways to see reaction” way. In the randomly-selected quality control robot taken off the conveyor belt to do standard tests on

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Theywere also robot


I wonder if I’d do better or worse on test now… I was like 15 last it was done me and I lost the report for that one. I was sick during it and I was so mad because I wanted my number to go up


Theoretically it should be the same right?

In theory but I got lots of mentalissue so my actual capacity for. Doing things is very variable

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Is it because Yoshi can only speak through text?

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i hate you so much

The issue here is that you previously likened Yoshi to that of an animal as while they still maintain higher cognitive function that what would typically be expected, they are still utilised in a way that would imply others considered their standing to be lower (aka subjugation). Through that metric, the Mushroom Kingdom (ruled by Toads) and Bowser’s Kingdom (ruled by Koopas) may very well rotate back and forth a civil war and an uneasy peace (lasting long enough for them to go Go-Karting and the like). The Mario Universe doesn’t follow the Geneva Convention, and so civilians aren’t lawfully protected from Mario’s foreign trespass in most of the games just as Bowser is rarely punished for his own kidnappings or invasions. Yoshi might just be taking an opportunity to participate in the casino before Mario flings them into a pit, and rather than take grievance with the Mushroom Kingdom’s protection laws, you blame Yoshi for entering the casino by our own real-world standards. Shame on you for misplacing the blame.

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I am still wondering what type of koopa species is Bowser. Or is he the type that is just really buff?

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I resent this.


i am blaming you for allowing yoshi to enter the casino in the first place, and forcing their movements to play an immoral game of cards against a rigged dealer. the fact that you go on a monologue of something unrelated before shifting blame truly shows how despicable you are

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And yet it doesn’t stop being true~

Princess Peach is literally more than capable to defend herself with a magic umbrella like super princess peach. Why did she stop protecting herself, is she stupid

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I have never said those words in that order.

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