correct (as far as i can remember from my western philosophy 1120 class)

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Hey guys I’m the mutated philosopher now time to choose alchemist and become a boomdandy

Oh fair I thought it was gratification, money making, action (Specifically political?) and philosophical life (Involving Contemplation / Study)

good usually starts off slightly winning but in lizards it might have been evil

Pramāṇa, Prameya, Saṁśaya, Prayojana, Pṛṣṭānta, Siddhānta, Avayava, Tarka, Nirṇaya, Vāda, Jalpa, Vitaṇḍā, Hetvābhāsa, Chala, Jāti, Nigrahasthāna!

Which one was a Mezepheles word?

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fair… ithink he did mention money making but he said that people used money to achieve ends and not as their end goal, as opposed to the end goals of pleasure, honor, and eudaimonia


I mean if we’re killing a person who’s an evil minion and can control executions then I’d think that we’re doing well and maybe pulling it back towards Neutral / Slightly Good. Since if Someone is evil then being able to force executions is very strong and that’s why evil would be doing well


*phronesis not eudaimonia
although aristotle concludes that eudaimonia is achieved through phronesis? iirc

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Do we know who the demon is tho

You’re the Marionette by the way.

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so… do you try to kill the demon in order to achieve pleasure, honor, or phronesis?

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Try self-defence.

No one believes my philosopher thing until I claim psychopath and kill magnus.

I never submitted a rock paper scissors action and nothing happened.

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We have a PoE.

Magnus / Amelia / Brakuren being most likely outside of Someone
Then SDA next
Then You / Otter / Silviu

For Otter to be evil then there’s have to be a reason why it gives such a beneficial ability to the good team. Plus Otter is straight up Mayor so if we’re looking for a Shab / Lil Monsta / Something else, then it’s not realistic for it to be Otter unless she’s been making up the whole election shtick and then is just an inventor-like character giving out things to players.

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Someone is never the demon, unless the hosts are straight up griefing the evil team.

Otter was elected on the first day. I wanted to whisper them to find out what they did, but they haven’t been around except for an hour window when I was asleep.

I mean I don’t think Someone is the demon.
But Someone’s absolutely an evil candidate.

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Did Kiiruma election have majority?