I ask cuz I saw a stream where they were talking about putting it on a dead player for ??! Reasons

I swear iv not seen anyone living today other than like me litten brak and kii lol

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You can sink it into a dead player. You probably shouldn’t.
The Storyteller can choose what the demon attack is.
But think of it in this way: What kills might a real demon make? Is it likely they’d choose a corpse? Depends on whether it’s to support a bluff or something.

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I can’t believe I’ve almost posted 1k times in a game.

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Also I’m downloading and playing some club penguin.
There was a new release of it and that game is just straight up my childhood.

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Tomorrow I have some in person BotC (Probably gonna play some customs) and then Saturday I’ve got D&D. Playing as a Bard, currently level 1 so I’m not part of any bardic college yet.

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Whats the release called? Ik theirs been a ton of clones of it through the last few years

New Club Penguin
There’s more than 3 million users apparently for it lol

Kiiruma pretty much is confirmed outsider. Unless the hosts added a +/- outsider modifier, which will make me really upset when I find out!

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Im gonna have to start grinding out card jutsu again fr


And even if they did that then let’s be honest, there’s 3 outsider claims. 2 of them are built into multiple evil worlds lol.


Oh my god yesss

Alright SDA’s not dying again today.
Sensei has ruled it so.

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I’ve basically asked to be executed the 2 days prior, and you guys went bionic > someone instead

My death will almost certainly bring the gamestate forward but now suddenly there’s a penalty for killing me, so whoop de doo

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There’s a bonus downside to you dying rn that I received last night as my consequence so you have 1 day until we (maybe) get you

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please remove this its incorrect

You guys will somehow find another reason to not execute me (real)

Hey now, Amelia gets a chance to defend themselves against our crusade.

It would be really amusing if you died tn so we just couldnt exe you


Execute my corpse im zombuul