Litten’s evil with the Storytellers and the Forum Moderators because they’re the ones who’ve not implemented a limit and it’s making it so Litten’s unreadable smh (/s)

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what makes you think it’s been bad

litten will be banned from posting in game thread 3 if we get one (which we almost certainly wont unless liten suddenly 8000posts in which case its deserved)


I mean the glaringly obvious thing is that they tried to claim only they could be voted for the election (also works with the theory of votes on their election = kills + makes sure evil gets buffs)

You should be banned for abandoning furina

Hey, you still could / should use my downside to just mute Litten for a day (/s)


If otter dosent come back to remove the vote before EOD I like kinda wanna go their over litten

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You guys are making it impossible to find an otter wolf team

dont need the team only the demon

We do need the team considering it often leads to the demon

dont need a team to lead to the demon if who you have is the demon

hey i kept that pfp for like a month which is a really long time for me if you know me


If Otter’s a wolf then Otter’s a minion who can become the demon / Amelia is (If we’re to listen to Derps’ Artist info)

Because a minion having a positive seeming effect really does amp up the deception and that’s what minions specialise in.

Oh wait I have a full otter scum team in my class card it was in the list

They aren’t the demon in that world but it was a team

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It was Otter/Tutuu/Amelia/Bionic

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Are we sure it’s Otter?


Yeah, I think I can just about build an Otter evil team but similarly it does have Otter as a minion

Tutuu being the demon makes sense with most of my worldk
Maybe a starpass or