i read up
litten p#18 in our whisper with tutuu

i keep coughing a lot and im pretty tired
expect irregular hours, sorry

I am a normal human being, Just Like You

if you need any more confirmation mhm, i claim to be alive

@atlas can we speak
or just do this in public

which would you prefer

Alright, so myself, May and Litten have discussed and we kinda need to lay some cards out on the table

I’ve been told I’m the brains

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Lord help us all

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Can the brains wait for five minutes



it depends on what youre going to say

@Brakuren We need to talk

I think brak is the demon and also I want to discuss workds with you

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/whisper atlas

…how strange.

Our world has Brak as Prime Demon.

hold on, litten
quick question

It’s not really strange