brakuren/amelia/atlas is the demon poe right? did anyone get clear or all 3 are still viable?

otter/marluna/kiiruma never demon right? mechanically? (confirm someone pls)

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Basically so, yes.
And both Amelia and Atlas have been acting like minions

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Amelia claimed mimon

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they claimed minion??


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Pandora could maybe be a Demon maybe maybe extreme edge case probably not. Socially IDT it is

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I would never openwolf this is a conspiracy


It’s a legion game and im 1 of 2 good players!


Wait a sec, I’ve just had a brain blast.

If Marluna picks disagree / ally to betraying somebody tonight, we could potentially catch out which of Amelia / Atlas is the damsel.

Kiiruma has a confirmed ability that has been killing people alongside the unexplained presumed-Demon kills, and if we think Bionic is evil, Kii and Magnus are Outsider count supported.

Marluna has to be Townsfolk for Silviu’s ability to work, and also was briefly dead.

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They may just kill Marluna but probably not
The night seems to be modifer to you while the ally is just a side effect death

okay so

im gonna lean to trust amelia being minion. is my wifom read

the STs directly hinting us away from chopping amelia yesterday - a bit too bland / boring if they’re the demon, perhaps. a bit more fun if its a bit more … intricate with them still being evil

and then their minion claim … i cant rly justify it flawlessly but socially im gonna lean towards that yes being a minion

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I guess

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For me to be Demon you have to become an Anchient Alien conspiracy theoriest and employ the most looney toon ass logic imaginable

Hey tutu

uhh bad news as you might already know
