You don’t.

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huh? what happened?

please explain how im demon in 2 sentences

You kill people. They die!

My role doesn’t kill people

Yes but we’re thinking the STs might just make my ability cause a death tonight anyways, right?
So why not use it to potentially corner the wolves?

Atlas (previous day) guessed me, I outted as shabaloth and Amelia (this day) guessed me

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Fair enough
I do think “something bad might happen” has to be one, specific, event
What cause your modifiers then?

oh wow is magnus town in all worlds? did we all misread them hahah

I came to that conclusion yesterday but they kept defending brak

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if so poor mangos

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In any case. Someone-Amelia-Atlas lockevil

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I did ask but I can receive something bad and also cause something bad to happen to the other participants too. It’s not limited to just 1 thing.

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Sorry tutu I might have ruined your chances of victory, forgive me!!!

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Bro clearly hasnt been paying attention all game

I agree that the theory that you didn’t know you were killing people has fallen apart, but you could simply be a Marionette Demon who started the game with a Leviathan bluff, because one of the foremost features of Marionette is that you get a free bluff.

You could just be a normal Demon who normalstyle killed me, had your kill blocked N3, killed Magnus N4, killed Silviu N5.

Yet you voting me.

My critics are geniuses

Bionic is minion, im not starting evil

Read my sentence again

can you explain a bit more? like they openly guessed you? like openwolfed? itt? like mechanically guessed itt?