And that’s why you were stopped.

Kiiruma when was the day i whispered you abotu atlas? was it day 3 or day 4?

They did say they weren’t fishermen

So in this scenario:

I’m Marionett that Knows im Evil???

I know Leviathan is in play

Storytellers give me Leviathan fake claim

I claim my actual targets even though I know I’m evil

I can’t remember exactly.

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you have no idea, I would have exponentially gotten stronger if I wasnt stopped lmao

3 days ago. had to be day 4

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Demon gets 3 bluffs

Well actually im a high priestess now so uh

Whatever the fuck that thing is

Not in normal Lizards games.
But that can be an in-built part of an evil player’s character.

Wait did Amelia literally turn into a hp demon

Let me guess, you’ve been advised to talk to Brakuren, Someone, Atlas and Bionic?

okay so on day 4, soon after i whispered to Kiiruma about atlas being alive, kiiruma hinted at it ITT

atlas neighborhood whispered me and told me that litten snitched to kiiruma about that

atlas didn’t know at the time i had started snitching, they still thought i was townlocking them

in case this is relevant


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Don’t listen to them :stuck_out_tongue:


I didn’t snitch until Kiiruma did


To be fair, Atlas would’ve known they were alive.
So it’s better for it to be known by others too.

snitch (outsider): you can’t lie


I mean this game should be finished, idk why the game is still going on lmao
