A drunk player has no ability, that’s how to think about it. They think they do, but they don’t.

@May What ability did you get

oh that’s true. I’m just wondering why I would appear as Marionette then

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Each night, choose a player. You learn a tarot card that represents what the storyteller thinks will happen in their future.

That’s my full ability (I didn’t copy and paste but since ur ability required me to give you my exact ability I think I just wrote it word for word)

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Man I wish you checked me Litten I asked like 8 times

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You “were in a revolutionary pair” and I’m not touching those pairs with a meter stick

I think I outed it fake D4? So you could have checked me

the suspicion on atlas is the silviu damsel thing. happened i dont know when but earlier than today

if she was a starting minion who became a demon, she holstered a kill last night. which doesnt sound optimal. (unless double stacked with litten kill? could this be a thing? did kiiruma out litten as the target?)

if she was a starting demon, she reasonably would have had a minion whisper her the information about silviu. remember, silviu’s role was known by a minion. thus atlas could have been warned to not make herself suspicious by guessing the damsel thing, unnecessary as atlas is the demon already

the counterargument to that is wifom, but i dont think anyone would care, we’d just chop her

so i am leaning to atlas town, if the following conditions are met:

  1. if atlas was starting demon, atlas’ minions would have attempted to make the reasonable play of contact her to warn her about silviu’s role
  2. if atlas was a minion turned demon, she would make the reasonable play of not holstering a kill
  3. if altas was a minion turned demon, she wouldn’t have double stack the litten kill with kiiruma
  4. if atlas was a minion turned demon, the STs would decide to give her a demon that can kill immediately as opposed to one that can’t
  5. if atlas was starting demon, she wouldn’t decide to purposefully make herself scummy by guessing the silviu role for the sole sake of making a wifom defense
  6. atlas hasn’t whispered with anyone who could have told her about silviu’s role

i dont have the whisper log and i would like confirmation from anyone on point 6) please. i can search “whisper” myself too

kiiruma i’d like to ask you about point 3)

i think all of the 6 points above are sensible and what u’d expect people to do. if they are true this game, atlas is town. atlas is evil if one or more isn’t true, ie. people acted unexpectedly

@May @Litten @Kiiruma @Brakuren @Magnus

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I died n5

I think Magnus is evil btw

I think maybe Magnus/Bionic/?/Amelia

amelia is the optimal chop for today, as they are always a minion who turned demon

the only world where they remained a minion is if amelia/atlas/brakuren w/w/w, atlas is minion → demon, brakuren is starting demon, amelia is covering for them both. i am disregarding this world due to my towncase on atlas

so we should chop amelia today. if we lose, then atlas and brakuren were the demons and sadly just gg

my heads ringing but i couldnt get this thought out head

could kii receive the wrong downside just to screw with him?
snowe would do that after tjw

they could but it wouldn’t really be fun

I don’t think the hosts care about fun

@Kiiruma @Litten @Magnus

do we have anyone alive to make a nomination?

please save them. kiiruma already used nomination for brakuren?

please preserve a nomination for amelia

oh did they self-nominate?


I can nominate