marluna fan

Amelia nominated themselves

did they nin someone else before selfvoting

The first vote on someone is a nomination, Amelia was the first vote on themselves

“Become a Demon” could just mean “become a flagbearer” and the role doesn’t change at all

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nope first nomination

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In fact I’m pretty sure that’s what it means

This would mean that we want to kill the actual starting Demon who can kill, not Amelia, today

@Litten @Magnus @Kiiruma thoughts? this was one of my concerns too. the assumptions that it would be able to kill

sorry for pingign so much btw but this is important and i think its necessary for visibility. a bit too much spam otherwise

Just ask the hosts

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right @Silviu200530 asked that already right? and waiting for an answer

Yes, I am still awaiting their input

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no it cant

Demon can always kill
thats what the explaination of demon in op says

Yes lol.
Amelia self nommed

What is the potential of:

Well that’s stupid. Leviathan exists

i am trusting that kiiruma otter marluna are never demon

is there reasonable concern that they might be demon? any tinfoil theories? id appreciate anyone updating me on that

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Leviathan exists. It is utterly ridiculous to interpret this brief explanation as “all Demons can always kill”