Silviu probably needs to ask whether “becomes a Demon” means a character or a type, but you could try. I think it means a type

Ask whether they need to claim why they are doing it or if they can just claim amnesaic
there’s precedent that they must claim their role in order to make a guess



you said its coz its a 15p

but. is it that difficult to fulfill the task? a minion started knowing silviu’s role

well to be fair. it is difficult / cumbersome coz. a minion has to out publicly. so fair enough

and we dont know if the amnesiac stuff counted. like if ur guess counted. i guess we’ll get an answer to that

so yeah just waiting on silviu to receive an answer

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ive played games with this exact mechanic

Good news it’s legal to have a non-killing Demon, ATLAS

they didn’t know their role according to sikciu
they just knew someone had a mutation targeting them

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that is not what it says in the op

Okay let me ask my question

Which Amelia seems to be.

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and it still defeats the purpose and punishes the person for fufilling an objective

Well you can ask the hosts yourself. The fact that you’re making this bad-faith argument that relies on willfully misinterpreting the rules is like 5 evil points in your favour. Against your favour?

How does it punish anybody


Except Silviu

@Silviu200530 did you ask the STs if they would have accepted Atlas’s thingy as a valid submission for a guess? sorry i missed that. if you haven’t, please ask them that too

“willfully misinterpeting”
thats exactly what it says in the post

“Demons MUST kill” is proven very false by the existence of Leviathan and I know you know that

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Yeah and it’s also just false

if the thing i sent a picture of is out of date by lev, i’m taking the ops word for it