Yeah I mean that’s right but I don’t know why Atlas would default to thinking Amnesiac is a public ability like the rest unless they wanted an excuse to guess somebody

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The Slayer can kill the Demon by guessing who they are.

  • The Slayer can choose to use their ability at any time during the day, and must declare to everyone when they’re using it. If the Slayer chooses the Demon, the Demon dies immediately. Otherwise, nothing happens.


the original point was

if atlas was a minion amnesiac. she can’t word her message like that to publicly guess silviu and fulfill the damsel requirement. by not claiming minion. was my question

sure, she can be amnesiac and do the amnesiac thing like that by claiming amnesiac. but can she do the damsel thing. is what we’re waiting on the STs, i was wondering if we can learn that early

When I first heard of the role, I asusmed that rather than being a backup Demon, it was the only Demonesque role in play, and therefore it NEEDED to guess the Shab in order to win. That would be why it wants to guess despite preventing Good from winning already


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We have an official ruling on how pubicilly doing things works

Now that would be a very weird Demon role and we would need to have a Minion killing. But the role as a Minion role doesn’t make sense! Why guess when it could just sit there and prevent Good from winning anyway

thats assuming the ability gained is “each night*, choose a player. they die.”

i think guessing last second in f3 is probably the best play
but i’d think the hosts would let them jump if they guessed earlier

That’s assuming the ability gained is just “you are a Demon and Good can’t win while you live”

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That’s already basekit tho according to Silviu

If the ability is just that, then it doesn’t make sense to guess except in weird final-X scenarios where Good can’t kill both you and the actual Demon


The Psychopath kills in broad daylight.

  • During the day, if the Psychopath declares that they are the Psychopath and publicly chooses a player, that player dies. This can only be done once per day, and only before the Storyteller has called for nominations.

Another offical ruliny

this is tiring and my head hurts
i’ll be back in a bit

Silviu said good can’t win as long as the damsel is alive

also looks like i was misunderstanding something @Atlas

i thought that you claimed damsel huntsman thingy as a joke, emphasis on damsel

i didnt realize your post was claiming amnesiac

so it wasnt an openwolfing joke, or like “im a lost wolf” type of joke. like i understand now, it falls in line with fakeclaiming gossip and artist and all that. my bad, sorry

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Until Final 2

may we both know that ability sucks if the demon can’t kill