It doesn’t specifically have to be that team but it’s certainly odd, yeah. I was going to be an execution candidate today.

The obvious answer is “to frame a starpass”, but there’s no evidence to imply such an ability exists so the evil team shouldn’t expect people to believe it. Perhaps the Demon wasn’t coordinated with their team, or they made an error, or they have an ability which triggers on Outsider deaths (odd because then you should’ve died), or something like that. Apparently I was Someone’s Phylactery claim, but that shouldn’t be related.

I’m assuming it was just a bad kill on the Demon’s behalf, thinking I’d be harder to misexecute than I would be.

I watched your previous game and just doing reaction tests is annoying

The demon didnt kill you lmao

My ability activates slowly and de-actives when I check 2 evils.

I checked May, SDA, and Litten. I have lost my ability


Last night was night four

@Magnus @Atlas @May can confirm

Gotta switch it up enough it’s not boy who cried wolf going on

Don’t receive results till next night

that’s not how avilities work

I can confirm.

His claim is that once he checks two non-Townsfolk, he stops waking. His feedback is whether or not he wakes.

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So what happened?

@evils pls revive me, should be able to tonight

If it’s a fakeclaim, it’s Magnus’s fakeclaim, not Brakuren’s.

You died for me smh

Well shit.
Alright, if Brakuren’s good then I’ve been… very very wrong then.

Does it check whether they register as evil at the time they check or at the time it deactivated?

What else do you think it could be

Brak implied this claim forever ago when he told Kiiruma that sober and healthy information wouldn’t really matter.

Iv been saying braks good for a while