Who did you pick?


Which if Derp has barely said anything then that wouldn’t be the case.
So is Derp just lying?

I thought this was interesting cause they had an artist quearion

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Exactly and Artist is… mega strong

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I need clarification on whether it’s one or the other or both but from context clues it’s both

I don’t think I should need to actively convince people that I’m too lazy to write walls in my rolecard when I don’t even read half the walls in most games

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Besides I just speak my thoughts in the thread, anything I’d say in my card would be what I say in thread

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You might not write walls, but even writing a few sentences would give us some guidance on your thoughts. And it seems you’ve said some things, you have wrote a bit as you said… yet Litten’s info contradicts how you should be thinking if you’re good


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The only comments on game state I make in my rolecard are when I just complain that convincing someone something is annoying

Other than that p much just mech questions

I will note that show thought of this while In class and was too impatient to check with hazzy so idk how accurate it is

I did ask them if it was accurate cuz my first thought when looking at it was that it didn’t feel accurate no matter their alignment, cuz if evil feneral they probably have minion abilities

shouldnt have executed me smh

anyways i have a red check on litten and sda

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the lie detector has come back with results
it’s a lie!

To be fair we’re zeroing in on evil teams and have a decent trust circle so if evil then Derps might be nervous. That’s how I interpreted your info

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Im not lying

I don’t get nervous as evil I only get stronger