
and if you’re town I think you’re the only town player who knows for sure they’re the starting demon

ok well i think i’ve done my part in clarifying things imma go watch basketball gl gamers


Why do I not know things that only I know

because every other player is clear

silviu got night killed and has a green on tutuu and marluna
kiiruma is clear for various reasons and has greens on litten and otter
all players who died in the night are being cleared
it leaves those 4 from your pov

from our pov mechanically u could be a minion

Does SDA know about Atlas?


Concern: the no-kill N3 could’ve been the Demon hitting into Brakuren, who SDA protected?


do you agree with this? if you’re town can you justify SDA evil? and the team as a whole?

^ here may

Order of operations might have been:
Silviu kills Tutuu and revives Marluna
Demon looks at tutuu and spits at their face

I don’t agree


IDT it’s necessarily wrong I just think tutuu has been insufficiently thorough

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sorry ive been working on something
i have a quick theory for you all, if you’d mind
marshal replaced in and just called me evil for the past hour without reading any of my posts or any mech defenses for me so thats not interesting

sda, do you stand by your claimed artist check d4?

what part did i miss?

amelia always some evil

one minion between bionic/someone

i cleared slots and by process of elimination i arrived at that

whats your team that would leave marissa and SDA as both town?

I see

I’ll trust that I should know this cuz I don’t want to think that hard

Guess we gotta kill em


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I haven’t FPSed much this game pretty much everything iv said has been true

containing these players, ja?